Community Services and Resources
Links to services and programs available to veterans.
The Legion’s commitment to seniors is apparent from the number of services and activities sponsored by branches. Health care, recreation and social activities are features of many branches while others offer instruction on matters such as safety, home crime proofing, avoiding fraud and con games and elder abuse.
Links of Interest
- Active Living Coalition for Older Adults
- Assistive Device Program (Ontario)
- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
- Canadian Consumer Information Gateway
- Canadian Home Care Association
- Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association
- City of Ottawa
- Driving Miss Daisy
- Eastern Ottawa Resource Centre
- Elder Abuse
- ElderCare Web
- Good Companions Centre
- Government of Ontario Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility
- Health Canada’s Aging and Seniors Web Resources
- OC Para Transpo
- OC Transpo
- Ontario Community Support Association
- Orleans Cumberland Community Resource Centre
- Osteoporosis Canada
- Ottawa Community Support Coalition
- Ottawa Seniors
- Ottawa Valley Senior Tours
- Seniors Info Ontario